Edmonton Copywriter

We don’t really do “sales” meetings here at Fine Point Writing & Editing.

4 Reasons to Hire an Edmonton Copywriter for Your Website Content

If someone says, “I think I’ll just handle my website content on my own,” we’ll wish you the best, give you as many tips and tools as possible, and hope to run into you again at a networking event in the future.
The thing is, at least 75% of the businesses who initially pass on having their website content written professionally come back to us when their site is live or almost ready to go. Why? Because once you dive into it, you realize just how difficult it is to make your company sound as great as it is.

Why Should I Hire a Copywriter?

First of all, I like a good DIY project as much as the next business owner, so if you’re considering writing your own website content, I get it. But like any DIY project, there are some things better left to a professional. In this case, your sanity, your business’s reputation, and your profits might be at risk.

1. Save Time & Frustration

Writing a website should be easy, right? I mean, you write emails all day long and manage to sound professional. Plus, you know your business better than a copywriter does.
If you ask most copywriters, they’ll tell you that they’re not selling words; they’re selling confidence. Most people have a lot of trouble writing about themselves. We’re always taught to be humble, but we’re also self-conscious. For some people, that translates to rewriting it 100 times until you’re so frustrated you finally call a copywriter. For others, it’s impossible even to get started because it seems so insurmountable.
Either way, you’ll feel guilty about the entire thing because when you’re working, you should be writing your website content, and when you’re writing your website content, you should be working. If you’re ready to save yourself the time and frustration upfront, don’t even both reading the rest of the points in this blog. Just call your local copywriter now.

2. Make Sure Your Site Goes Live on Time

Just last week, I had a call from a client who needed some of the content on his webpage rewritten ASAP, as he had an important trade show coming up. Usually, I would not have been able to meet that timeline. However, I had written most of his website content before (and the website designer had hired the rest out to someone else who butchered it). So, since I was already familiar with the company and their tone/style, it was possible to get it done on time.
Alongside calls like this are, “My brand-new website is supposed to go live tomorrow.” Content is almost always the wrench in your website plans, so be sure to get ahead of the game and find someone before you need him or her to jump in and start writing.

3. Build Trust with Viewers

Sure, actions speak louder than words, but words help build trust before you get a chance to prove you’re worthy of it. If you want a piece of the action (i.e. your viewer’s patronage), you need to earn it.

Since almost 60% of website viewers would avoid working with a company that has obvious grammar and spelling mistakes on their website, high-quality content writing is one of the best ways to guarantee you can continuously reel in new leads.

If you’re the type of person that won’t eat at the most popular or tasty restaurant if the bathrooms are gross, you’ll understand how your website content can represent you in the same way.

4. Creating a Brand Story is an Art

Did you know your brand has a unique story? It doesn’t matter where you started. It doesn’t matter what motivates you. There’s a reason you get up every day and continue riding the rollercoaster that is running a business (right there with you!)
Creating your own brand story is like trying to see the back of your head in a mirror. And I don’t say that lightly, because I have to consult others when it comes to my brand story, too. We all have blind spots when it comes to communicating our stories, and especially when we’re trying to connect with other people.
This is especially true of specialists and experts that deal with the public. Remember that having the perspective of someone who is on the same level as your audience is an advantage, not a disadvantage.

Top Tips for Hiring a Website Copywriter in Edmonton

Don’t Trust that (Good) Website Content is Included in Your Design/Development

Whenever you approach an “all-inclusive” package deal with a website design and development company in Edmonton, be sure to ask specifically about content. Most packages don’t include content, but clients don’t realize that until they’re looking at a beautiful and blank website.
If content writing is included in the package, dig a little deeper. Ask who will be writing the content and what his or her qualifications are. In some cases, designers are also assigned to content writing, even though they don’t know the first thing about grammar or that a colon in writing is not a part of human anatomy. Find out what information you need to provide and insist on a meeting or call with the writer to ensure your brand is properly captured in the content.

At the Very Least, Invest in Copyediting for Your Website Content

If DIY copywriting is your only option, that’s fine! The beautiful thing about website copy is that it can be easily transformed at any time. Until the day when you can sign on a copywriter, check out as many free website writing resources online as possible. Then, call a copyeditor to look it over, which is much more affordable than full content writing. If that doesn’t work, send it to a particularly critical friend, or, if possible, to a previous client who can tell you if the content matches his or her experience.

Find a Website Copywriter Who Specializes in SEO Content Writing

Imagine paying a lot of money to have a massive billboard created for your company. Now, imagine that when it came time to select a location for your billboard, you chose the cheaper location. It just happens to be buried in the trees on the way to the dump in Stony Plain. Unless you’re in the junk removal business, it’s probably not going to have the desired effects. That means you’ve essentially just wasted your initial investment.
If you’re the company that wants high-class advertising that hits the right people at the right time, a website with excellent SEO is going to take you right to the “downtown core” of the internet. What most people don’t realize is that SEO is about more than just backlinks. High-quality, optimized content is one of the most powerful ways to establish authority on search engines. Better yet is regular content, like blogs.
An SEO content writer in Edmonton will use keywords, keyword phrases, title tags and headers, and a host of other tools and techniques to help your site rank higher in search engines. He or she can also work directly with your SEO specialist for more effective efforts.

Let’s Get to Know Each Other

Writing website content is a personalized process that looks different for everyone. Before we get started, we like to make sure it’s a good match. Our schedule also books up in advance, so it’s always good to start the process sooner rather than later.
Email us to book a discovery phone call session for your website or blogs.