Blog Starters

Summer is a great time to pick up that dusty, abandoned blog page on your website and breathe new life into it. Something about summer inspires ideas and creativity (at least for me!)

10 Blog Starters for Any Business

Getting started is always the hardest part. Give your business blog a refresh with a few blog topics that can work for any business. Whether you own a landscaping business or a photography business, these topics will get you in the mood to write an amazing blog post (or two or three) you can share with your clients and followers.

A few bonus tips to remember: 

Bring personal touch into your blog so your readers can relate. People don’t want to read shopping lists; they want to read stories!
And, another quick note on blogs – they’re all about sharing information and establishing thought leadership and expertise. Hard selling isn’t the point. You’re here to generate trust, build your brand, and help yourself by helping others!

10 Topics to Get You Started

1.  How to Get More Done in a Day by… 

Everyone wants more time in a day. We all have tips and tricks we use in our businesses to stay on track and have more downtime. Share the ways you do that so someone else can save time too! Remember, a blog isn’t about selling. It’s about sharing valuable information and quality entertainment. 

2.  The Best App for Managing Your…

Everyone and every business is using digital tools to save time, stay organized, and find information. Share an app that has changed your business or industry, and break down the best features. As a bonus, check if the app you’re reviewing has a partnership page that pays you directly if someone buys the app through your blog link. 

3.  We Tried _____, and the Result Was…

People connect with successes and failures. Talk about a new experience you had, and how it turned out for you. 

4.  How to Make/Design/Start Your Own ______

Reveal all your industry and business secrets! You heard me right. It might seem odd, but telling people how to perform a complicated task shows them you’re an expert on the topic. Whether they decide to tackle it themselves or contact you for help, you’ll have gained loyal followers who will come to you next time they’re in need!

5.  Industry Tips & Tricks for Better Marketing 

Each industry has its own marketing techniques. If you’ve figured out a specific formula for success, or even just pulled some data that helped you increase sales and brand recognition, share it with others so they can repeat your steps.

6.  How New ____ Laws Will Affect _____ Businesses/People/Industry

It’s important to keep up on the legislation surrounding your industry. You’re likely in the know on new laws, safety requirements, and best practices in your industry anyway, so this is an easy post to share. Plus, it will help you explore issues and results you may not have considered. 

7.  Five Questions to Ask Before You Buy/Hire a _______

No one is more aware of the issues in your own industry than you. You know what your own clients are looking for, so let them know how to shop. If you show people you know what the best in your industry looks like, it also shows that you rank among them!

8.  The Best Business Systems for Your ______ Business

How do you run your business effectively? Clients and industry partners alike want to know that you have systems in place to keep things running smoothly. 

9.  If You Want to _____, You Need to Read _____

Share the latest book that impacted your life, work, or relationships. If you don’t read often, maybe you listen to inspiring podcasts or watch documentaries. In that case, share a review of one of those instead, and what it can offer.

10.   How To Use a _______

Everyone has specific tools or products they use in their business. Pick a tool some people might not be familiar with and explain how it’s helped you. As a bonus, add ways to maximize its use and share your results. 

What’s on your editorial calendar this summer? Share a post with us and we’ll be happy to share it with our network. Send your blog posts to 

Happy Writing!