The key element to re-launching your business blog is to pick a time and then be consistent with publishing each month.

3 Easy Steps to Revive Your Business Blog in One Afternoon

Michael’s company has a blog. He used to publish monthly content that gave his loyal customers helpful financial advice and drove more online traffic to his website, helping new customers find his company. But with so many aspects of his business to juggle, Michael let his blog go dormant. Six months went by, then a year, and he still hadn’t published a single new post. As his business grew and it came time to revise his marketing plan with his team, he decided he wanted to put the blog back on their priority list. His main concern was how to revive his stale blog without the embarrassment of people noting how much time had elapsed. 

Does this story sound familiar to you? If you said yes, you’re not alone! This is an example of a specific client, and many other clients have a similar story. The good news is that reviving your blog can be straightforward and quick to do.

When Is the Best Time to Re-Launch a Blog?

You can re-launch your blog anytime you like. If you have an upcoming promotion or a product launch planned, you might want to coordinate the return of your blog to support those events. However, if you have nothing immediate planned in your business, you can re-launch your blog whenever you like. The key element is to pick a time and then be consistent with publishing each month.

The Timeless Power of SEO Optimized Blog Posts

In our example, Michael is reluctant to restart his blog because he is concerned his audience will notice how long it has been since he published new content. The truth is, your audience will rarely read your entire blog archive in chronological order. Most of your site visitors will find your blog articles individually through search queries. Or, they’ll go straight to your website and find the heading that is relevant to their needs. And even if they do binge your blog posts in order, you can backdate new posts so they “publish” with a previous date. This way you can fill in any gaps in your timeline.

Think about how often you check the date on the blogs you read. If your search terms rely heavily on the latest data, such as best mobile phones for the current year, then you’ll probably be watching for the latest results, not posts from four years ago. But when it comes to general search queries, such as “why is life insurance important?” or “what to do when my lights won’t stop flickering?” the year the article is published is less important. What matters more is the usage of keyword phrases the search engines can understand, the quality of the content, and the relevance of the material. You can use our SEO tips to help optimize your posts.

How to Re-Launch Your Blog in 3 Easy Steps:

1. Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose Your Content

What if we told you there was a treasure trove of content ideas right under your fingertips? There is, and it’s both free and available to access immediately. It’s on your social media feed, your website, and wherever else you have an archive of past content. Reusing and repurposing your “old” posts is a fantastic way to stay inspired and make the most of what you create. Simply update data, add new facts, or switch up your anecdotes to make it fresh.

The majority of your audience will not remember your blog posts from last year or the year before. Many of them probably missed it the first time you posted it. And if they do remember, that means they are your ideal client and will enjoy seeing it again, especially with a new twist. If you’re stuck for ideas, you can also use our 10 Blog Starters for Any Business to help you get a jump start.

2. Schedule Time to Write

The quickest way to get back into a habit is to make it part of your routine. If you want to revive your blog and stay consistent with it, consider adding it to your regular schedule. One strategy we use for our content is to set aside an afternoon or morning and “batch” write it.

What is “batch-writing”? You can compare “batch-writing” your blog posts to bakers making several batches of cookies or pies. Creating in batches saves time and creates quantity. For your blog, that means setting aside a couple of hours one day per month to write several blog posts. We like to batch write our own blogs as well as blogs for our clients to get ahead for a few months at a time. Planning and working ahead also helps to prevent your blog from going stale again in the near future.

3. Promote Your Content

Once you have your blog articles written and ready to go, you’ll want to promote them as they are published. You’ll also want to promote it more than once during the month; after all, we’re busy people and need frequent reminders! An easy way to promote your blog is to create other marketing content, such as sharing relevant topics on social media that link back to the post.

Hire Professional Copywriters in Edmonton, Alberta

The easiest way to re-launch your blog and save yourself time is to hire professional copywriters to help. At Fine Point Writing & Editing, we meet with you to establish your goals, your brand voice, and your company. We then work closely with you for the first couple of blog posts, allowing for edits and revisions, so you’ll know your blog is in skilled hands. Get in touch with our copywriters to learn more about how we can help get your blog running again and boost your website SEO.